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Our Values
and Principles

Our Values




Service Quality and Excellence

Diversity and Well-being

Critical Curiosity

Critically evaluate organisational self and in relation to others


Regardless of who we are consulting our services to, we prioritise organisational-reflection via self-reflection as a key component to progress. We encourage our clients to critically evaluate themselves and their organisations by helping them to understand their subjective experiences, choices of language and behaviour (unconscious or conscious) and emotions in various contexts, leading to higher degrees of conscious awareness in workplace settings.


With our support, our clients can identify and tackle underlying cultural blind spots in their organisations by gaining clarity and forging growth working from within, combined with organisational generated insights. We provide a safe space for clients who wish to deeply and critically explore their inner world as well as their organisation's social reality for the purpose of workplace psychosocial progress.


Transcend ignorance

In order for organisations to psychosocially progress, our clients must be rooted in reality. Unfortunately, some leaders inhibit the necessary pain that is associated with psychosocial growth. As they say, ignorance is bliss.


At Mind Culture Life Australia, we bring truth as we see it and understand it to our clients and let them be the judge. Clients are asked to deliberate and challenge themselves in various areas of organisational life, leading to psychosocial progress, both intra- and interpersonally.


Develop and deepen sensibility

Mind Culture Life Australia is dedicated to helping our clients develop deeper sensibility by connecting with their subjective experiences and those of others in their organisations. We like to ask questions that help create channels of inquiry not previously explored, thereby opening up new lines of inquiry for exploration, aiming to deepen sensibility within oneself and with others. 

Such an approach is designed to assist our clients to unpack the psychosocial world that surrounds them with more sensitivity and sensibility, leading to higher degrees of psychosocial conscious decision making.

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